Classes sell out well in advance, so join now...

Give Me 8 Evenings Online in 2024 and I'll Teach You to Think on Your Feet with Confidence

Learn to feel at ease with public speaking, job interviews, dating, and more... even if you're super shy!

Watch This 3-Minute Video to Learn How

What Do Students Say?

Here are a few brief excerpts from the 100+ five-star reviews on Google Reviews.
(Click here to read all of them in full.)

Olivier Auber

Executive Director

“I came in with anxiety around speaking in front of small groups of people and it is all gone now.”

Marcela Castillo-Rama

Professor at Berklee

"I took two improv courses with Chad during the covid pandemic! I have to say that initially I was a little skeptical about taking an improv course via zoom, but the courses were AMAZING."

Cailey Laidlaw

Sales Consultant

“I have come out more confident in all aspects of communication—speaking up in conference calls, one-on-one’s, group conversations with all eyes on me, etc…. I look forward to taking this class again in the future.”

How Many of These 7 Problems Plague You?

If you're like most of my students, you don't want to become an actor or comedian. Instead, you want to overcome some or all of these problems:

  • Public speaking makes you panic and go blank.
  • Shyness and social anxiety stop you from engaging with people.
  • You feel uncreative, especially in the spotlight.
  • It's tough to think of what to say in conversations, even with people you know well.
  • You get stuck in your head and self doubt holds you back.
  • You're afraid you're dull when you speak.
  • The unexpected causes you stress.

These communication problems can hold back your career, prevent you from making friends, and put the brakes on your romantic life. Besides that, they just leave you feeling stuck and unhappy.

Luckily, you've come to the right place to find solutions, so keep reading...

Liz Garz

Executive Recruiter

“Perfect for the shy, introverted person who gets tongue-tied or can't think on their feet. Taking this class really helped me in the business world.”

The Solution: Think on Your Feet Mastery

My Think on Your Feet Mastery online classes will give you the skills you need in a fun, safe way. While playing simple improv-style games, you'll learn:

  • How to handle mental blocks so you never feel like a deer caught in the headlights.
  • How to use new thinking strategies to unleash your creativity.
  • How to give a solid presentation with or without preparation.
  • How to handle tough interviews.
  • How to tell stories that grip your listeners and keep them on the edge of their seats.
  • How to become more dynamic nonverbally.
  • How to use scientifically proven strategies to connect with new people.
  • How to talk about anything in a more engaging way.
  • How to use one simple strategy to get out of your head.

And the great news is that you'll learn all these skills while playing fun games and laughing. It's not the boring drudgery that often comes to mind when we think of learning. Instead, it's so enjoyable, it's addictive.

As you'll discover, it's not a run-of-the-mill class...

Derek Schlesselman

Senior Web Developer

“I thoroughly enjoyed the improv class with Chad (so much so that I'm taking it again). The online sessions were perfect for learning and practicing skills for conversation, storytelling, and public speaking.”

What Makes Think on Your Feet Mastery So Unique?

These classes provide a rare mix of ingredients: fun plus results.

Many students have told me they've tried run-of-the-mill improv classes, but they couldn't apply most of what they learned in real-life. It was all focused on acting and comedy.

Other students have told me they tried things like joining a public speaking club, but it was dull and boring. Or it helped some, but if they don't have a chance to prepare then they struggle.

During the past seven years, I've refined Think on Your Feet Mastery to offer a special blend. Plenty of laughter to keep you engaged and excited. And plenty of real-world skills to help you reach your goals.

The first two classes lay a strong foundation—you'll learn the basics of how to think on your feet. The rest of the classes build on those fundamentals—you'll gain key tools for real-world situations.

  • Class 1. Unlock Your Creativity: Learn 12 tools to alleviate performance anxiety, prevent your mind from going blank, and kickstart your imagination.
  • Class 2. Flow with the Unexpected: Learn how to feel at ease with surprises in communication, avoid 7 communication mistakes, and turn your weaknesses into strengths.
  • Class 3. Conversational Magic Part I: Learn how to avoid dull small talk, drive conversations forward, and connect with people on a deeper level.
  • Class 4. Conversational Magic Part II: Learn how to avoid running out of things to say, sound more interesting, and come across as friendlier and more engaging.
  • Class 5. Public Speaking Made Simple: Learn how to capture your audience's attention, clearly make your points, and inspire people to take action. (Even when you haven't rehearsed a word.)
  • Class 6. The Art of Storytelling: Learn how to draw listeners into your stories, keep them entertained, and create a memorable impact.
  • Class 7. Unleash Your Charisma: Learn how to use your voice to make everything you say more interesting, harness effective body language (both in-person and online), and exploit simple methods to "own the room."
  • Class 8. Next Level Thinking: Learn how to be resilient and flexible in the face of increasing challenges, respond to verbal attacks, and hack into previously unthinkable levels of creativity.

What's more, you'll practice all of that in ways that make you more comfortable being in spotlight and interacting with new people. So the class series works on many levels.

Plus, you don't have to settle for whatever is in your area or need to commute through rush-hour traffic. You can enjoy the classes from the comfort of home anywhere in the world...

Liz Crow

Events Producer

“Chad Elliot's improv classes were the highlight of my week. They are fun and challenging all at the same time. I worked muscles in the brain during class I didn't know that I had.”

What These Classes Are Not

There are different types of online classes, and some aren't great. So here's what my classes won't be:

  • Recorded. You won't just watch pre-made videos. Each class is live, you're a key part of the group, and I'll be there to guide and coach you.
  • Passive. None of your classmates will have their camera off, be driving their car, or otherwise be distracted. Everyone will be active, engaged, and doing activities together.
  • Boring. Remember that class you hated in school where the teacher droned on and on? Not here. People learn best when they have fun and get hands-on experience. So I've designed each class to feel like a mental aerobics class.
  • Threatening. Recently, a student told me he tried an improv class, went blank in an exercise, and felt so embarrassed that he never went back. He avoided trying anything like that again until now... 20 years later! I never, ever want anything like that to happen in my classes. So I jump through hoops to create an environment that feels safe and comfortable for you to learn and grow. 

Now that you know what we'll avoid, let's look at how the classes work...

Megan Wildhood

Program Coordinator

“This is the best social workout I've ever had… It's not just about learning to be funny. It's about learning how to get out of your own head so you can truly connect with other people.”

3 Simple Things

In Think on Your Feet Mastery, we'll do three key things during each class:

  • Explain. I'll teach various ideas to you and your classmates. Luckily, I use a variety of tricks to avoid tons of lecture. For example, you'll get special chapters and cheatsheets to make learning faster and easier. That way, we can spend most of our class time practicing new skills.
  • Pair Up. You'll team up with one or two of your classmates to play games that build your skills. Thanks to Zoom's "Breakout Rooms" feature, this is easy. And I'll visit each breakout room to see how you and your partner are doing and offer suggestions.
  • Spotlight. I'll also have you and your classmates practice these games in front of the class. This is vital, because it helps you gain experience, learn from others, and overcome your fears of being in the spotlight. But don't worry, I've learned how to make this safe, fun, and supportive.

It's that simple: explanation, practice, and demo. That's all you need to become a more confident, effective communicator!

Luckily, the next series of classes starts soon...

Susan Berge


“I’ve taken Chad’s class three times… Chad’s class is different from other improv classes because he teaches how to give speeches, tell stories, start conversations and keep them going, and more.”

Nathan Gold

Keynote Speaker & Presentation Coach

"Off-the-hook amazing. I learned so many practical techniques that apply to all aspects of communications whether business or personal. The new skills will easily help me amplify my ability to be a more effective communicator. Thank you Chad!"

Yvonne Ward


“Chad really delivers on helping with trigger the parts of the mind that our culture suppresses: creativity, spontaneity, and fun. The class was so effective I did a second round, where I built and practiced what I learned earlier.”

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

I know signing up for these classes takes courage. So I want to make it easy and safe for you. That's why I offer a 100% guarantee. After you finish the classes, if you feel they weren't worth more than you paid, I'll give you a complete refund of your money.

I'll go a step further. You don't even have to attend all of the eight classes in the series—just six. If you attend at least six classes and don't feel it's been worth your time and money, I'll give you a full refund.

I've offered a guarantee on all of my classes for seven years. So I wouldn't still be in business if I didn't consistently deliver on what I promise. And I hope knowing that makes it easier for you to do something that can change the quality of your life.

Listen to Past Think on Your Feet Mastery Students

Upcoming 2025 Think on Your Feet Mastery Courses

  • You'll get 16 hours of fun, fast-paced learning.
  • You'll get free digital copies of books, cheat sheets, and other bonus material.
  • You'll get skills that will make you more comfortable and effective, both socially and professionally, for the rest of your life.

Starts Tuesday, Jan. 7

  • Every Tuesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.

Starts Wednesday, Jan. 29

  • Every Wednesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Tuesday, March 4

  • Every Tuesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Wednesday, April 2

  • Every Wednesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Tuesday, May 6

  • Every Tuesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Wednesday, June 4

  • Every Wednesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Tuesday, July 1

  • Every Tuesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Wednesday, Aug. 6

  • Every Wednesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Tuesday, Sept. 9

  • Every Tuesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Starts Wednesday, Oct. 1

  • Every Wednesday for eight weeks.
  • At 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. That's 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • Limited to 17 students.
  • $100 early-bird discount for a limited time!

Samia Bel Abbes

French Teacher

“Chad’s class has it all: he lifts you up with his good-humored energy, he keeps you on your toes with a fast-paced roll of fun and challenging exercises, he pushes you with insightful and honest feedback.”

Li-Ann Yap

Customer Success Manager

“I took this course to practice creative thinking, challenge myself, and 'get uncomfortable' - it did all of these! Chad is a patient, passionate, adaptive instructor. He loves what he does and he'll make you love it, too.”

Dan Zamansky

Product and Engineering Leader

“Chad is a fantastic instructor. He truly cares about his students, pushing them out of their comfort zone to get out of their head and be more comfortable in front of an audience.”

Who on Earth is Chad Elliot?

My father died when I was very young, so my mother raised three kids on her own. I was homeschooled and wound up shy and lacking in social skills.

Since I lacked confidence and communication skills, I struggled in the world. I even got turned down for a job because during the interview I was slow at thinking on my feet. (Not promising for a future improvisation teacher!)

After years of hard work, I learned to enjoy public speaking, feel at ease talking with new people, and communicate confidently.

My goal is to shortcut the learning process for others. I've spent seven years refining how to teach these skills in a simple, step-by-step way that's fun and engaging.

That's why I've been featured in:

And it's why I've been hired to teach by such companies as:

The bottom line: I've worked with over a thousand people of all ages and ability levels. And that's helped me refine what I teach so that you'll laugh, learn quickly, and get results.

Edward Richman

Software Engineer

“I learned techniques on how to have deeper and more fascinating conversations with anyone and went from nervous to confident speaking in front of a group. I recommend to anyone trying to take their social skills to the next level.”

Diane Ho Buxton


“I took Chad's class to get better at public speaking and learn to speak more spontaneously, and the class exceeded my expectations.”

Tony Steen

Optimization Manager

“Chad's classes are the best because this form of creativity will improve the professional and personal aspects of your life. I have taken 2 times and plan on taking it one more before doing some private coaching.”

Shane R.

Business Intelligence Analyst

“I signed up to work on public speaking, and this turned out to be a really fun way to practice those skills.”

Will Ireland

Spatial Analyst

“Great for anyone trying to break out of shyness, improve conversation skills, public speaking skills, creativity, dating, interviews, etc.”

Vanja L.

UI/UX Designer

“In 8 weeks he's given me practical tools to actively listen, give impromptu speeches, and tell good stories. He's always prepared, energized, and I also appreciated his keen observations and helpful feedback.”

Ginger Scarbrough

Program Manager

“I wouldn't have guessed that Improv could help people so much personally, but I saw it with my own eyes and heart—On the first day of class, I saw new students enter the classroom tentative and unsure, then 8 weeks later, they were much more confident and had gained so many new skills.”

Ricklie Stone

Real Estate Agent

“I can't remember a time when I laughed as much and simultaneously pushed through fears that have hindered me for years.”

Diane Pipkin

Physical Therapist

“I got more out of this class than I was hoping for! We played and had fun as an improv class, but we also applied what we were learning to real-life, day-to-day situations.”


How can I get on the waitlist for sold out classes?

If you'd like to get on the waitlist for a class series that's sold out, send a message to me through the chat button in the lower right portion of your screen. 

That said, I strongly recommend signing up for the next class series that has spots available. You can still get on the waitlist for the sold-out class series and transfer to it if a spot becomes available. But if a spot doesn't open up, you've guaranteed that you'll get to do the classes soon.

If you want to feel prepared for an event that's coming up and the next available class series will be after the event, you may want to do one-on-one coaching with me. (Though I still recommend doing the classes when you get the chance.)

What if I have to miss a class?

The first two classes lay the foundation for the rest. They'll help you get over your nerves, connect with your classmates, and develop essential skills. So it's absolutely in your best interest to make sure you can attend those. If you can't attend the first two classes, I recommend signing up for a later series that works better for your schedule. That way you can set yourself up for success by building that strong foundation.

Naturally, it's best to attend as many classes as you can. But most people do have to miss a class or two out of the eight in the series. I understand and designed the classes with that in mind. And there will be study materials to help you get up to speed on what you missed, too. Missing one or two classes won't stop you from getting phenomenal benefits from the overall series. 

Is it okay if I'm not a native English speaker?

Many of my students over the years have spoken English as a second (or third) language. They've always done very well in the classes.

While your English skills don't have to be perfect, you do have to be conversational. You need to be able to understand most of what people say in English. And you need to be able to speak it well enough to be understood most of the time. If that's the case, you'll be good to go!

Can I drop into a single class?

No, the classes are meant to be done as a series. You wouldn't get the same experience if you just joined a single class. Also, there are a limited number of spots, and they're reserved for students who commit to the entire series. If people came for just a class or two, the class size would fluctuate dramatically and it would hurt everyone's experience.

But remember, once you finish the series, if you aren't satisfied with the results, you can get a complete refund.

What if I sign up but can't attend for some reason?

While I offer a complete refund if you attend the series and aren't satisfied, I can't provide a refund if you simply don't show up. There are a limited number of spots and the classes sell out far in advance. By signing up, you reserve one of those spots for yourself. Even if you don't attend, it takes a spot away from somebody else. Plus, as a small business, it's not feasible for me to take responsibility for people's schedule changes. (This isn't a billion-dollar corporation, like Amazon.)

If you sign up for the classes and later discover that you won't be able to attend, let me know as soon as possible. Ideally, a week or more before the class series starts. If I can fill your spot with someone else, I'm happy to give you a refund or transfer you to a later series.

Is there an age limit?

People of all ages have do classes—from people in their late teens to their late 70s. That said, the classes are geared to adults. And I want everyone to have a positive experience.

If someone under 18 would like to sign up, I ask their parent to contact me before signing them up. Tell me how old they are, what they want to learn, and a bit about them personally. If I feel it's a good fit, they're more than welcome to join the classes. If not, I'll recommend other options to help them reach their goals.

If you sign up a minor for the classes without permission, they may be removed from the classes and you will not be eligible for a refund.

What if I have another question?

If you have a question that isn't answered on this page, you can easily reach me by clicking the red circle in the lower right corner of your screen. Just send your question and I'll get back to you soon.